BHAK Wien 10 on the European Schoolnet Scene in Brussels, Belgium

18. Sep. 2018Allgemein

Stem is everywhere

On September 14-15, 2018, the 24th Science Project Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab co-organised by the STEM School Labe, Scientix MOOC and BLOOM took place in Brussels, Belgium.

The BLOOM (Boasting European Citizens’ Knowledge and Awareness of Bio Economy) project aims to create an open and a highly knowledgeable dialogue that is co-created by European citizens, the civil society, bio-economy innovation networks, local research centres, business and industry stakeholders, and various levels of government including the European Commission. The above stated groups target to develop, implement and disseminate learning scenarios regarding bioeconomy.

What does the BHAK Wien 10 have to do with the BLOOM Project? A team of two colleagues – Mag. Dr. Nikolinka Fertala and MMag. Bernhard Weikmann – had the pleasure to win the BLOOM EU-Project for Austria in 2018 and to elaborate teaching materials on bio economy and natural sciences together with STEMteachers from Greece, Spain, Sweden, Poland, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Israel and Croatia.

The BLOOM Project is assigned for the duration of three years (2018-2020) and enters into its second stage. The participant co-ordinating the project in her/his respective country – Dr. Fertala – presented the first draft of the learning scenario, which the team has been working on in the last six months. However, the goal of the 24th workshop was to finalise the five learning scenarios and to prepare a programme for the teacher trainings, which will take place in each of the countries included in BLOOM.

Additionally, the workshop offered a session on “How to make video interviews and classroom implementation films?” and on BLOOM MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses). Every participant got the chance to make her/his own professional film guided by a camera team.

Finally, the interactions took place in the Future Class Lab (FCL). The FCL is a learning environment in Brussels, challenging visitors to rethink the role of pedagogy, technology and design in the classroom. It is formed by six different learning spaces – investigate, create, develop, interact, present, exchange – that provide visitors with the opportunity to explore the essential elements in developing 21st century learning.

Retrospectively speaking, Dr. Fertala was inspired by her attendance at the 24th Science Project Workshop in the Future Classroom Lab for her following teaching and research activities in the STEM area.


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